
HASE 6th Exhibition was finished.

Dear People who saw my picture at HASE'S 6th Exhibition. Really thank you very much for seeing my picture. I don't have enough power yet but I will continue the my life in the future. I will continue the my poor picture. Thanks to you I'm …

Tomorrow is last day of HASE 6th Exhibition.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog Tomorrow is last day of HASE 6th Exhibition. If you have time BY ALL MEANS please come to see. HASE 6th Exhibition 「I will tell that thanks to you I'm happy.」 The Exhibition open till Sund…

「The Backyard Market」 22/08, 29/08

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I joined 「The Backyard Market」last Sunday and this Sunday too. And I drew picture by live painting at there too. Thank you very much for seeing my drawing. 「強くて美しくなりたい。」 「I w…

Dear People who saw my picture at HASE'S 6th Exhibition. Thank you very much for seeing my pictures. And Thank you for buying my postcards. HASE 「A pigeon's leg is pink.」 「鳩の足はピンク」結構なピンク具合です。一度ご覧下さいませ。 「It'…

因果応報 あ〜〜染み渡りました。すみませんでしたっ!!でじたるかめら様を無くしましたので、今日描いた絵がはれましぇん。 明日買うて、撮ってきます。 大したことない小さな絵ですが、見て下さい。因果応報。。いや〜〜こりゃうまいこと出来とるで〜〜 …

HASE 6th Exhibition at private view

Really thank you very much for coming . I was happy. I drew by live painting a part of having wanted to do here if I could have next my art show. This title is 「All with thanks to basic life.」 Thanks to basic life,I could have this exhib…

HASE 6th Exhibition

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog Tomorrow is first day of HASE 6th Exhibition 「I will tell that thanks to you I'm happy.」 I will do live painting at there. If you have time BY ALL MEANS , please come to see. This exhibiti…

こんなことを考えられることがうれしい。 ミニ展示ですが、楽しい生きている展示にします。 This Exhibition is mini but I will make pleasant and living exhibition. - HASE 6th Exhibition 「I will tell that thanks to you I'm happy.」 Private view …

HASE 6th Exhibition in London.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I having my 6th art exhibition (mini) at 「The Pattern Market」at Kingland in London from the 13th of August to the 5th of September. The following is detail. HASE 6th Exhibition 「I will te…

第6回 HASE 個展 (少しミニ) は ロンドンです !!I'm going to have "HASE 6th exhibition (mini) " in London !! I will write down detail about the exhibition on this blog soon. 有難うございます。Thank you very much. - HASE 's ART WORKS http…

「The Backyard Market」 02/08

「何をするのにも時間がかかるけど、確実に少しずつ変化している。」 「It takes time for all things but,it's sure changing little by little.」 I joined 「The Backyard Market」yesterday too. And I drew picture by live painting at there too. Tha…

よっしゃーー!!がんばるぞーー! - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too. If you have time by all means please come to see.I'd like to live painting at there this Sunday too ,if I have time and there is someth…

ロンドンの夏の雲はまんがみたいな雲です。 - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/

「The Backyard Market」25/7

「信じる。」 「Believe in myself」 I joined 「The Backyard Market」yesterday too. And I drew Picture at there by live painting yesterday too. Thank you very much for seeing my drawing. I'm going to join this market every Sunday. If you hav…

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too. If you have time by all means please come to see.I'd like to live painting at there this Sunday too if I have time and there is somethi…

何を悩んでいるんだろう。 - 「誰かを思って感動する。」 「I'm impressed to think of the someone.」 「認めるということ。1 (頼っていること)」 「I admit. 1 ( I depend on family.)」 「認めるということ。2 (どうしても凹むこと)」 「I admit. 2…

「The Backyard Market」 17/7

「やっぱり黄色い家に守られている。 だからしょうもないことも悩む事ができる。」 「After all, I am protected by yellow house. So that's way I can worry about little things.」 I joined 「The Backyard Market」today too. Thank you very much for …

考え過ぎはよくないぜっ!!こわい。 描きたいから描く。知らん。 それがどうしたってんだ。 無知です、知らん、こう思ったからこう。 素直でいいよ。 - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/

「意識改革 (少し自分を信じるようになった)」

「 Consideration reform ( I getting believe myself a little.)」 I joined 「The Backyard Market」today too. Thank you very much for seeing my drawing.I'm going to join this market every Sunday. If you have time by all means please come to s…

なにも特別なことはしなくていい。You don't have to do special. - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to participating in「The Backyard Market」at Brick lane tomorrow too. If you have time by all means please come to s…


「Thanks to my family,I can try my hardest.」 やっぱり大きい絵を描くのは気持ち良くて、感動する。なかなかちゃんと出来ないけど、なんとかやっていきたい。でも口だけで、ぜんぜん出来てない。どうしたらいいんやろうか、このままここで続けていくしか…

どの道も簡単でないけれど、信じて、辛抱強くいきなさい。The road whatever is not easy but, go walk one by one and believe your life .

おかあさんってすごい。 Mother is really great . I appreciate her. かおみたいな家。The house looks like face. - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/


「I walk little by little while seeing my weakness.」頑張っているときこそ、非常に見失いやすく、非常に大切。 I think that is very necessary but very forgotten easy when we work hard. 自分のやっとることは面倒くさいかもしれんけど、このように…

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to participating in 「The Backyard Market 」 on this Sunday again. 「The Backyard Market 」 http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web/index.pl At Brick Lane 10:00~17:00 If you ha…

ちゃんと足下を見るように。I should see careful my weakness.あかん、、興奮してる、、静まれあたし。 - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/


Thank you very much.I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday again. If you have time by all means please come to see. HASE - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/ - あせらなーい。大丈夫大丈夫。うれしい。 今日はようやくご…

こういう時も有る。大丈夫、大丈夫。頑張れ - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to participating in 「The Backyard Market 」 on this Sunday again. 「The Backyard Market 」 http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web/i…

夢のような現実と現実は同時にみなければいけない。I have to see realities like good dream and realities same time. 私は貴方じゃないし、自分以外の貴方の痛みや経験、思い考えかたは分からない。 色んな経験をされて、少しづつ考え方が変わったり、そ…