
Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too.If you have time by all means please come to see.「The Backyard Market 」http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web/index.plAt Brick La…

毎日毎日がすばらしいです。 本当にみなさん有難う。Every days are wonderful for me. Thank you very much. そして、もっともっと良くなりたい。And , I want to more grow up one by one. - けいこさんへ、 無事帰国で何よりです。 本当に、どうも有難う…

壁wall - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too.If you have time by all means please come to see.「The Backyard Market 」http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web/index.plAt…

なまけすぎたーーーI was too lazy----

がんばるぞーー - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too. If you have time by all means please come to see. 「The Backyard Market 」 http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web…


佐々木さま、 - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog HASE's 6th Exhibition has finished but, my two picture are continue put at The Pattern Cutter. (242-248 Kingsland Road ,London,E8 4DG) If you have time please come to see.Than…

ぎょうざたべたい。 家で焼く王将のぎょうざ希望。 なんかぎょうざ、ぎょうざてあたりまえにゆうてるけど、へんな名前。 ぎょうざ 字面もへんなの。 ひらがなやからかな。ギョーザ ああ、ちょっとカタカナのがちょとしっくりする。 いや、でもぎょーざて、 -…

HASE 6th Exhibition was finished.

Dear People who saw my picture at HASE'S 6th Exhibition. Really thank you very much for seeing my picture. I don't have enough power yet but I will continue the my life in the future. I will continue the my poor picture. Thanks to you I'm …

Tomorrow is last day of HASE 6th Exhibition.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog Tomorrow is last day of HASE 6th Exhibition. If you have time BY ALL MEANS please come to see. HASE 6th Exhibition 「I will tell that thanks to you I'm happy.」 The Exhibition open till Sund…