I have been set up for my next solo exhibition - !
第9回HASE個展 「恥ずかしくない」
2012_2_24_金 〜 3_7_水
12:00 〜 22:00 (最終日は17:00まで)
cafe dining near gallery "L"
606-8227 京都市左京区田中里ノ前町34−2
「約2年のロンドンでの生活、活動を経て、帰国後初の個展「恥ずかしくない」を開催させて 頂きます。
まず、私の絵の中に何か巧みなテクニックは見付けられないかもしれません。しかし、全ての絵にタイトル(意味) が有ります。そのタイトル(意味)達は、普通で貴重な生活の中で、つい忘れがちになってしまうことだったり、また気付きにくいことだったりを言葉にしています。とても小さく些細なことかもしれないけど、それらには大切な力が有ると思うのです。
私は絵を描くとき、普段の生活の中で気付けたその時の私にとって大切なことをイメージ化し、描いていきます。その気付きによって描いた絵達は、作家として、1人の人間として生活する中で、私自身を助け、また、少しずつ強くしていきました。そして、ロンドンでの活動により、私自身の絵に対する気持ちは確実に大きくなっていき、この絵達は、違う道を歩く沢山の方々とシェアが出来る、したいと思うようになっていきました。 今回の第9回HASE個展「恥ずかしくない」では、日本での未発表作品17点を含む、約21点の原画を展示します。
HASE 9th Solo Exhibition will open from this Friday!
Basically I will stay at the gallery from about 2pm to about sunset for all day of open gallery .I hope that I would like many people to see this 9th exhibition .
HASE 9th Solo Exhibition [I am not ashamed.]
from 24th friday of February to 7th Wednesday of March 2012
12:00 ~ 22:00 (The last day is until 17:00)
closed 1th Thursday of March
at cafe dining near gallery "L"
34-2, Tanakasatonomae-cho,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto,606-8227,Japan
*Here is cafe dining but You can come to only see the show as well.
(But I recommend you eat something here because all of food made by this cafe's owner are so delicious !!)
「I am Japanese Artist HASE.
I came back to Japan last December after 2 years experiencing life and developing my artwork in London.I will have my first solo exhibition since returning to Japan,
titled 'I am not ashamed'.
First ,you might not find any highly developed technique in my drawings.
But all of my drawings have meaning.They might contain little things but the ideas have strong and important meaning for our everyday life.
I usually notice some important things for me at that time, and start to draw.
Drawing things that I notice are important for me, help me and make my mind strong, little by little as an artist and also as a human.
Then, my feeling for my art work is certainly becoming bigger, I'm hoping that my drawings (and their meaning) can share commonality with many people who are walking on a different road.
I will show about 21 drawings including 17 drawings of unpublished work in Japan for this Solo Exhibition.
[I admit today's me, including both the weak side and of course the wonderful side. ]
It is a big theme for me that I could experience and notice, thanks to my stay, life and exhibitions in London .
I will stand by my poor and strong drawings with more confidence than 2 years ago.
I hope this exhibition will be a good experience for you.
Thank you very much.」